Friday, May 17, 2013

On The Fence?

Happy Friday, loves!

Are you on the fence about your next steps? Not sure if you are ready to change your life for the better? Do you feel overwhelmed by indecision? Do you constantly dwell in possibility but never take action? I know I did. I still catch myself doing this. 

 I totally get it.

I was in a similar position last year. I decided to listen to my intuition and leave Medical School in pursuit of my dreams of becoming something more "me" -- even if I didn't know exactly what that looked like at the time. I was terrified, I felt stuck, I worried about what people would think and I didn't want disappointed my family, friends, mentors, teachers and you know...myself. I was on scholarship and going to be the first Doctor in my family, it was a real "high" until I realized I was doing it for other's approval. Then I made an executive decision to get some help.

 I sought out and hired a professional Life Coach to help me sort through the situation, get some clarity, and get out of the ugly funk I was in.  Working on myself, removing obstacles and acknowledging fears wasn't a walk in the park. I'm a very introspective person by nature, so the self-reflection part came very naturally to me. However, being honest about my relationships and re-evaluating my career aspirations was a bit of a struggle for me. In the end, the time I spent with my coach was valuable beyond words. I went into the process with my whole heart and never looked back. We were in it together and I didn't feel alone in my decision. Having a partner made it so much easier to stay accountable, see my progress, and it was SO much more fun than just reading a self-help book. Note: I'm all about reading self-help books and seeing motivational speakers; in fact, I aspire to be an Author and secure amazing Speaking engagements. But at that crucial time in my life, I needed a real-life cheerleader, a partner to propel me into forward-moving action, a spark of light to fire me up! And that's exactly what I got. 

Fast-forward four months. I was so inspired by coaching that I chose to become one. I enrolled in the same coaching school she attended because I knew she was trained well by World Coach Institute. I met twelve amazing women in the course and together we became Certified Coaches! And as it turns out, I did really well in the course: 99% overall grade. Yep, I'm a proud nerd. ;) Regardless of what letters follow my name or how much academic/professional success I achieve, I just want to be happy and feel fulfilled. I will always put my heart and soul into every single thing I do. I am still learning and growing, so I'm on the journey, too. I'm 25 years old and I still have a whole life ahead of time. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm ever-evolving and I love that. 

So, WHO are you? 
What do YOU want in life? 
What's holding you back from diving right into your dreams?

As your Coach, I can help you hop over YOUR fence. I'll be your partner through the next steps on your journey to getting exactly what you want out of life, whether that's improved physical health, emotional well-being, more happiness, or choosing to boldly pursue that "far off dream" to {enter your ultimate bucket list item here!}  And if you're on the fence about coaching, give me a call! I am happy to offer you a Complimentary Clarity Session which is completely free, zero expectation, and no pressure! I've designed these calls to give you a space to ASK any questions you have about the coaching process, fees, scheduling, and the Summer Special. You'll get a better feel for coaching and see if you are “ready” to work one-on-one. Sound good? Then shoot me an email to schedule your session! And if you're not quite ready, it's okay! I'm always here for you. 

 Did the blog post resonate with you? If so, drop a comment below! 

See you next Sunday at The Wellness Weekend!

xo, health and happiness,


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