Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What I Learned at IGNITE and My Dream for 2018.

Oh, hey!
In my last post about the IGNITE NYC conference, I told you what I thought of the speaker lineup. This time around I want to share the "take-home" messages I received from this two-day, 16 hour conference.  I tried really hard to be present for the event. Normally I might have my phone out and doing some live tweeting some quotes or instagramming some photos, but this time I put the iPhone in my purse. I showed up for myself and for the speakers. This was MY time to enjoy, sit back, and learn.  Of course, I did pull out my notebook to jot down some notes (because yes, I'm a nerd that way).   I'm glad I did this. Because listening to speakers half-heartedly is a waste of time and money. I much prefer to watch people speak than just hear them speak. I enjoy reading their body language, the subtle cues, the way people emote, their interaction with other speakers, how they handle unexpected situations and managed their allotted time.  


The 6 Major Lessons I Learned at IGNITE:

1)To love yourself and do mirror work- Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson.

2)Eat better to live optimally, not just better –Kris Carr

3)Collaboration is key… work as a team..we all have the same message – Wayne Dyer did a past life regression with Mira Kelly who he endorsed to come up with a great CD then helped him find Anita Moorjani who he endorsed to write her book about NDE.

4)Tragedy doesn’t bring us together, it shows us that we all have a mission to fulfill on this earth and our soul will depart when that mission is fulfilled… for those who suffer at the hands of this loss..we can find healing through acceptance and community -- Mom of Jesse Sandy Victim

5)We all have angels all around us and can ask them for help at anytime. Also it’s totally cool to ask for money if you are providing a valuable service to someone, it’s alchemy, it’s an energetic exchange—Doreen Virtue

6)Our emotional pain manifests as physical symptoms and dis-ease and until we deal with the root cause or trauma and heal from this emotional space, our physical bodies will become vibrant and receptive to this healing. Also he loves his kids and his daughter Skye’s performance totally made me cry my eyes out and hyperventilate, you know, that loud ugly cry that you try painfully to keep in, and then it explodes from within your soul and just keeps going until the song is over. Yep, that happened—I instinctively thought of My father and I up ther eont hat stage and I lost it….Blanca’s husband steve totally had to hold me like a baby. Somehow my mascara managed to not run. Hey… Wayne Dyer was crying, too! ;)
With all that said, I have one point I'd like to leave on.  I am setting the intention that I will be on the IGNITE Speaker Circut in 2018. That's 5 years away. And yes, it's on my vision board. I just know I am meant to be up on that stage in front of thousands of people who are open, ready, and willing to receive all the inspiration and insight I have to offer!
ONE DAY I'LL BE UP ON THAT STAGE! I hope you'll join me... ;)
xo, health, and happiness,

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