Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My first time attending the NYC IGNITE tour!

Oh, hello!

So I'm writing this blog WAY later than I planned. Last month I attended a 2-day conference, which left me feeling spiritually inspired but physically drained. Friday night marked the official finish to the first week at my new corporate job. So the thought of waking up at 6am on a Saturday for a long day with no guarantee of a good meal didn't feel appealing.  (See I can be a little negative sometimes...I'm not perfectly positive all the time!) But I wanted to go, I was counting down for the past 3 months since I purchased my ticket. I mean, the thought of seeing Wayne Dyer, Gabby Bernstein, and Louise Hay...now THAT got me out of the bed in the morning.  So I woke up, dressed up, packed up and I was ready to go...up. Well, actually it's down because I live in a building....but it flowed so much more nicely with "up." Mom accompanied me and we were picked up by our dear friends, Blanca and Steve.
Me & my Mom 

Steve & Blanca Beyar
I did a lot of thinking on the car ride to the conference. Between working Full-Time, starting my private coaching practice on the side, finishing my certification program, and you know life stuff (Family fun, Laundry doom, food shopping, time for self-care...interesting how this falls last on the priority list, huh? Sound familiar?)-- I couldn't help but think...do I find time for FUN!?  Well, I guess it depends on my definition of fun. To me, attending a conference is enjoyable, I don't think of it as work. I get to meet amazing new people, listen to my mentors, and do something different and uplifting. I'm not sure how many of my peers can relate to this...I'm sure they would much rather spend their weekend in Atlantic City and live it up. Well I decided to live it up by going to the Jacob Javits Center to hangout with women (and some men) that I can more deeply relate to: Personal Development Junkies.  The IGNITE: I Can Do It 2013 NYC event hosted by HayHouse featured 3,000 guests and neary 30 speakers! Thank God I had  the night off on Valentine's Day and the day off for President's Day-- or else this weekend wouldn't have worked for me. Seriously. I would still be glued to the folding chair holding my $10 latte (not a fan of inflated event pricing..but I get it). wondering what day of the week it was! LOL. In an effort to rest and renew, I decided that I would wait a few days to blog about my experience at I CAN DO IT NYC 2013. I have to say it was a great decision: it not only held the space for the creative juices to marinate but it also gave me some breathing room to it helped me put the whole event into perspective.

 Our Crew: Me, Mom, Steve, Blanca
Here was the lineup of speakers at the NYC Ignite:
WAYNE WAS MY FAVORITE SPEAKER! Probably because we have all of his books on our coffee table at home. I grew up reading his work, and always wondered what it would be like to see him speak. Well, let me tell you, it was AMAZING. I cried. If you don't already know about Wayne, let's get you acquainted. Wayne is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Wayne is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his traumatic childhood spent in foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same. When he's not traveling the world delivering his uplifting message, Wayne writes from his home in Maui.
Purchase of the Day: Wayne Dyer's "I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation CD

Angel Therapist, Doreen Virtue  
Doreen Virtue and her hubby taped her Oracle Card workshop LIVE during her presentation. It was surreal and awesome, check it out the VIDEO

Miracle Maven, Gabrielle Bernstein
Published Author and Speaker Gabrielle Bernstein talked about how to become open, ready, and willing to experiencing miracles in life and how A Course in Miracles changed her life, quoting the text:  "A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love."
NDE Survivor, Anita Moorjani
In April 2002 Anita Moorjani  was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and after nearly 4 years of battling the disease, she was taken to the intensive care unit of her local hospital in February 2006 where she was given less than 36 hours to live. Her remarkable near death experience (NDE) and miraculous recovery from cancer has created enormous interest and commentary on an international scale. The NDE tremendously changed her outlook on life. She works on the premise that our inner world (consciousness) is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world will align itself and fall into place as a result.   
Crazy Sexy Cancer Thriver,  Kris Carr 
Kris was the last speaker on Saturday. I definitely she was the BEST way to end the night. I just love how animated she is when she speaks, and how she can make jokes about having a very serious disease. She led an amazing discussion about PREVENTION and how she became the CEO of her health. She focused on using food to heal our body and prevent  disease. We celebrated her 10 year anniversary of THRIVING with cancer- CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WELLNESS!  

Agapi Stassinopoulos

Agapi was so amazing live!!! She made us dance like we were in Greece at an epic party with lots of wine and feta cheese! Deepak describes her best: "Agapi is an authentic, genuine and inspirational speaker who knows how to connect with and move her audience. She brings out the beauty, power and independence of the Greek Gods and Goddesses and the archetypes in
all of us.” - Deepak Chopra, author of Path to Love, The Chopra Center for Well Being

The legendary Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson. 
 Louise Hay is a pioneer in the field of Self-Help, which is now commonly referred to as Personal Development. Louise was joined on stage during her 1.5 hour talk with Personal Coaching Pioneer and Best-Selling Author, Cheryl. These ladies were MAGICAL on stage together...so funny, candid, loving and truly authentic!
It was an amazing weekend and I even made a new friend named, Kelly. It's so nice to meet someone who is interested in personal development and gets excited by the same topics as I do!

And I have great news! If you weren't able to come last month, you still have a chance to get your tickets! Hay House IGNITE is touring all over the country. And on Oct 26-27th, they'll be back to New York

xo, health, and happiness,

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