Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Being a Publicist for the Night!

For the past two months, I have had the amazing opportunity to serve as a Publicist for Spiritual Guru and Published Author, Blanca Beyar, on her first Book Tour.

Blanca Beyar is an amazing vessel of love and light in my world and in the lives of countless others. You can read more about her work on Blanca's Website. Blanca has self-published seven books so far... 

But, for her 8th book "Attributes of Mastery" she chose to do something different. She wanted to get her message out there and have her voice heard by the masses. She pitched her idea to different publishing houses. She held her vision and trusted the process of divine creation and purpose...

"Attributes of Mastery" was picked up by the publisher, Ayni Books! It was an amazing accomplishment and a joyous moment of validation of her vision. She was excited and inspired up until the Holidays...when reality hit, there were some events that occurred which required her loving focus and complete devotion. Her book promotion took a backseat for a month. A few weeks later, she reached out to a major bookstore on Staten Island. Unfortunately, this popular bookseller was not receptive to her pitch. Blanca felt disappointed and disenchanted. After a month of taking a hiatus from promoting the book to focus on her beloved students, she started to lose momentum in her marketing. She needed to be reignited. We spoke and I recognized she needed a jolt of energy. And I knew exactly where to get that....No, not a Starbucks (though that may have been involved in the creative process). I did what I best: I charged up her energetic battery. After an incredible brainstorming session, we knew exactly what we needed to do. We needed to think independently and support a local bookstore, one that was cozy, warm, loving, approachable, and a staple in the local community, not a big name who made us feel small.  

We reached out to the owner of The BookMark Shoppe in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where I had previously attending an amazing book signing. We secured a pitch meeting with the owners and within 5 minutes of meeting, Blanca had her 1st Book signing on the calendar: Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 7pm. Then, I began marketing... I reached out to YOU on YouTube, on my Facebook page,Twitter campaigns, and of course personally inviting friends and family! 

In the meantime, I'd been checking in with The BookMark Shoppe. 
The did an amazing job making sure to stock the shelves with "Attributes of Mastery" 

...and the next step was to get NOTICED. What better way to excite readers than with a visual reminder as you walk down 3rd avenue?  Cue the signage....

After marketing 3 weeks ahead, 1 week ahead, 1 day ahead, and the day of... we decided to LET GO and ENJOY the night. Of course, I photographed the entire event because that's what I do. 

Here are the juicy details and pictures galore: 

Blanca shared an excerpt from her book, "Attributes of Mastery." She began by sharing her own experience learning the 1st Attribute of ACCEPTANCE, something she struggled with through a very traumatic part of her life and how she worked through her pain to embrace a new perspective of peace. The Q&A session proved to elicit many tears and heartfelt responses. Everyone could feel the energy in the room...it was electric!  

As a sweet treat for the guests, one of Blanca's devoted students, Mary Provenzano, who is an amazing baker...her cookies literally taste like love on a plate. She donated homemade cookies, including chocolate chip (my favorite), double chocolate chip, and sugar cookies. Let me tell you, I personally appreciated the cookies since I skipped dinner (bad girl!!) to make it to the event in time. OF COURSE the 1st day of my new job was the same night of our big event....God works in mysterious ways. :) 


As a gift for attending and purchasing a copy of "Attributes of Mastery", she presented each guest with their own unique, beautiful, and sacred healing crystal that she blessed.  Crystals, by the way, are powerful instruments for self-healing. They carry so much energy and are very receptive to whatever energies you are emitting. Plus, they can compliment your spiritual journey through the 21 Attributes. 

Blanca and her new fan, Yasmine, who came all the way from the United Kingdom! 
Yasmine is an amazing role model--she travels across the world as a motivational speaker about self-confidence.  Within minutes of meeting Yasmine, I knew we were destined to be friends. 
P.S. I had no idea she was a fashion designer and founder of Trendy Couture!

 One of Blanca's incredibly artistic students, Suzanne, was very excited to be sharing her birthday eve by getting her book autographed by her Guru!

Blanca shares a moment of bliss as she embraces her student of 13 years, Geraldine. Geraldine is a Holistic Nurse and Reiki Master and yep, she's my Mom. 
Blanca & Myself  
 As I reflect back on the evening, I am still in awe of all the magical connections that were made at the BookMark Shoppe. I personally had a great experience from start to finish---I thoroughly enjoyed the process, the details, the planning, the exectuion. Life is a journey not a destination, this is a process not a product. I am reflecting here to stop and smell the roses. I connected with my Guru on a deeper level and helped support her mission of "getting out into the masses." I realize now that I am quite skilled at energizing people or as Blanca stated, "putting a fire under her butt" LOL. I've always loved to put my energy to good use...and what better way than to be of divine service.  I also must share that I kinda loved being a Publicist: networking in the local community and maintaining the momentum of the social marketing campaign. It was exciting!!! Along the way, I made very special new friends and colleagues.  I just want to share my deepest gratitude and excitement for my Guru and I'm so glad more people are getting to know her amazing Spirit. I'm looking forward to the next stop on your Book Tour
...where are we going next? New Jersey! 

Oh hey... if you are into reality TV and you want to see Blanca doing tremendous healing...Don't miss this season of "Mob Wives" where she works with Love Majewski and Karen Gravano. 

And on that note, I have one last thing to say... 

I want you to honor who you are. In this moment, declare yourself.  I have always been so inspired by Blanca's authenticity. Every single day she reminds me to be my most authentic self. I am so inspired that I have developed a Confidence Series coming up in March...it will be a series of fun + engaging workshops at...you guessed it.. The BookMark Shoppe! More on this soon...

xo, love, light, health happiness,

1 comment:

  1. I could have not asked for a better Publicist! Noel, you are a natural and purely kick-ass with your passion and devotion to helping others with your light and inspiration! Thank you so very much for all that you have done for me and for my book. I love you!
