Thursday, February 21, 2013

Newsletters, Authenticity, and Some Sisterly Advice for My Fellow 20 Somethings.

Hey there,

It's Thoughtful Thursday!
So I've had Usher's "Confessions Part II" in my head all day since it was playing on my iTunes shuffle during my ferry ride this morning. And now I have my own confession to make: I subscribe to way too many newsletters. Seriously, though. I think I must receive 15 per week. I initially signed up because I genuinely admire the person and their amazing work (whether they're a Life Coach, Famous Author, Motivational Speaker, etc) but when all 15 people start to endorse the same service on literally the same day, their authentic voice gets lost in translation and it feels just plain icky to me.

This week I’ve taken some small action steps to unclog my inbox. First of all, I had to decipher between newsletters that are excessively sales-driven and redundant from the ones that are unique and valuable (in my opinion). The fact that I've unsubscribed from 5 newsletters may seem unimportant in the grand scheme of life, but since I hope to write my own newsletter in the near future--it’s really important that I clarify one of my instrinsic values: AUTHENTICITY.

"What we're all striving for is authenticity: a spirit-to-spirit connection."
- Oprah Winfrey

I am still learning and growing in the field of Personal Development, which involves attending lots of different meetings, conferences, and workshops. During this process of expansion and networking, I’m learning to turn inward and find my own unique voice. This not only helps me get clear on my mission but it helps me distinguish how I provide the best service to you.   To me, it’s really important that I offer consistently valuable content that is in alignment with how I live my life. Yes, I believe in self-marketing and self-promotion, and I do it just as much in-person as I do it online. But there’s something about endorsing others that must feel sincere. Maybe it's just me, but I only endorse other's products and services that I would actually buy myself (Not with the intention that I’ll receive a cut, or incentive for sharing).

I really try to notice and pay attention to the way the newsletter makes me feel when I open it. Does it unnerve and stress me out with sales? Or does it make me feel relaxed and contemplative? Well I can honestly say that there is one newsletter in particular that always makes me feel good. It's written by the Author and Life Coach, Christine Hassler, who is an expert in "Gen Y" (aka MY generation- those who were born in the 1980s).

Christine Hassler

I love the tone of Christine's voice and the way she writes. She speaks in a very down to earth manner, but her wisdom comes through so powerfully. I also love that she consistently sends original, authentic and purposeful content to my inbox every Thursday. When I saw the title, "What I Would Tell My 20-Something Self" in my inbox, I instantly decided to open and actually read today’s newsletter. Being 25 years old, I was intrigued and I knew I would get something out of reading it. On the off chance that all three of my older sisters read my blog, I have to be super careful not to offend them by saying how much I love Christine's advice. By the way, I am so blessed to have THREE older sisters: Heather, Christine, and Allison--who are all older than me by at least 13 years. (Okay, totally just crossed the line. Now they will DEFINITELY be mad that I pulled the age card!) Not only are they smart, beautiful, and funny...they are rich with wisdom about their own different types of experiences, relationships, and milestones. But, let's face it, they are busy ladies and when they aren't available, I outsource to Christine who really “gets” the 20-something mindset. ;)


Here are  my favorite tidbits from Christine Hassler's newsletter today:

Rejection is God's Protection. You can't always get what you want but you do always get what you need - just not in the form or on the timeline you may have expected. (My sister Christine has said something similar before.)

Your parents are people too with issues and triggers. They are getting used to having an adult child just as you are getting used to being an adult. (This is POWERFUL! I’ve never heard it in this way. It deeply really resonated with me and my relationship with my Mom.)

The decisions you are making are not all forever decisions. I know you feel so much pressure to figure it all out right now and everything feels like a major decision. It's not. Choose what feels the best for RIGHT NOW and trust you will learn from each choice you make. (Reminds me of something my sister Allison would say.)

Cultivate your friendships. They will become the family you get to choose. Find friends who will grow with you and let go of the friendships that have reached their expiration date. (The first half  of this statement is something my sister Heather ALWAYS tells me, the second half I'm often saying to her... haha!)
So...what do you think of those tips?
How are you being your most authentic self?
Anyone else in their 20s who can relate?
XO, Health, and Happiness!

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