Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My website is launching this Friday. SO. EXCITED.

Hi there!

Before I get serious, I must release an emotion that I've been containing all morning:
That felt good. Okay, so clearly, I'm excited. Why, you ask?
 My official website is launching in TWO. DAYS.
 I have been counting down to this day for so long...
it has been posted on my vision board since November 27, 2012, which is
the day I decided to outsource my website design and get some professional help!  
You see, when I started working with my Life Coach, Cara Alwill Leyba, I was in the early stages of developing my brand, She Lives Inspired. I was so impressed with the design and aesthetic of Cara's blog The Champagne Diet and her life coaching website, Live Create Sparkle, that I had to ask-- Who designed it? How can I find her? Help! Well, Cara A.L. referred me to Cara L. We had an amazing phone consultation and I instantly felt a connection to her and knew we could make magic happen together!
 And we did. For the past three months, I have been working closely with the incredible, collaborative, creative, funinnovative, and devoted Personal Graphic Stylist, Cara Loper of Loose Loose Lid Creative. I am beyond appreciative and admittedly obsessed with Cara for being by my side as I build my brand and digitally evolve as an entrepeneur!
I want to thank you for your enthusiasm and support along the way as I build my brand from the ground up. I want to thank you for the kind posts and thoughtful comments on my Facebook page.  I've had such positive feedback about the current Splash Site of featuring my about me and links to my social networks. But, the day has come to launch the live website, which is a full-service website including tabs about my life coaching services, wellness group packages,  special updates, fabulous events, unlimited inspiration, and more!  I can't wait to share it with you on Friday, March 1st and hear what you think about our baby, I ;)

Today I get my first sneak peek of the site. Eeeeee! I am literally on the edge of my seat awaiting the preview. I know it's going to be just PERFECT for me!

So if you haven't already checked out Cara's creative design services, I encourage you to take a peek at her skills! I chose the BAM package and I highly recommend it for someone who is just starting out (like me!)  I cannot emphasize enough just how amazing and supportive Cara has been throughout the creative and planning process. 

xo, health, and happiness,
P.S. Don't you just love Cara's logo and banner (below)? It makes me super happy.

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