Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meet Breanna from The Soul Shakedown!

Hey there!

I've invited the women who inspire me to GUEST BLOG on my website. I think you're gonna LOVE our first guest blogger, Breanna!

xo, health, and happiness,
Noel :)

A little about Breanna from The Soul Shakedown!

Meet Breanna Orentlikher
Blogger, Jewelry Designer and Founder of Bracelets by Breanna

Birth of the Soul Shakedown > I started my blog initially in 2010- when I was in the process of moving from White Plains to Brooklyn, NY. I came out of a stressful living situation and into a new life with my (at the time) boyfriend. When we moved to Brooklyn it was a fresh start for the both of us to live together. Our new life had finally begun. We soared. We quickly became engaged and life couldn’t seem better. I started to blog about my life during the move and really just used it to vent. This was not what I wanted to use my blog for, so I put it on the back burner. After a couple of months of living in the city, I felt sick and tired ALL of the time. I had come down from that “I just moved to NYC!!” high, and had to face reality. Something was wrong. I had to get used to living around a lot of noise, people, dirt, and had to get used to long commutes. All of these things took a toll on my body, I started losing hair from stress, and I had to do something about it. I was happy to be around my best friends, and was happy at my job, was happy to do things that were simple, yet culturally satisfying, but I didn’t feel GOOD. I felt “ok.” I wanted to feel GREAT. This is where my healthy journey began.

Healthy Pursuits > When I lived in White Plains, I worked part-time with a health coach. I learned a lot about integrative nutrition, and all around how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, just by being around a family who really cared about their health. I was introduced to sea vegetables, kale, organic supplements and products, etc. These were things that I never grew up around, so everything was new and awesome to me! I slowly integrated some of these new holistic remedies into my diet, but didn’t take the plunge until we moved to Brooklyn. After doing some research, I started to drink green shakes, took up half-marathon training, did yoga daily, and really paid attention to what I was putting into my body. It started to work! I was sleeping better, feeling better, and eating better. After I started to train for my first half-marathon, and when I reached my first long run of 7 miles (I never ran more than 4-5 miles at once since College Cross Country training!) a light bulb went off. I will never forget it, either. I was in Prospect Park and I literally had an “A-HA” moment while listening to the Black Eyed Peas trying to catch my breath. I pushed myself. All alone…I did it, ALL by myself! What else can I do? What else am I capable of? So after my first 13.1 mile race day, exhausted and accomplished, I promised to run a FULL marathon as soon as possible. After all of these changes, I felt GOOD, but again, I didn’t feel GREAT. So what is it? What was missing?

What happened next? > City living is fun, and there is nothing like it. Everyone should experience this once in their lifetime. It was a great time. I built a shield and took away serious experiences and friendships, but it is not for us. We decided to pursue dental school, graduate school, and working full time in higher education in Upstate New York. When we moved to Buffalo, we both were burnt out and exhausted. We took a month long vacation abroad and came back ready to rock and roll. Things started to fall in place, the way it should be. My Husband was beginning his new journey in Dental School, and I landed a great job in Higher education. We were close to family, made new friends, connected with old friends, became financially comfortable, extended our family. We were excited and ready to live again, refreshed. I became healthier than ever, organic, raw and whole food diets for the both of us. Wheatgrass, yoga, and running every day. My hair and nails grow like weeds, my skin is clear, my body looked better than ever, I just felt (and feel) so much better! I felt so great with my new fit lifestyle I decided to go back to blogging, delete my old entries of frustration, and start something healthy. I use my blog now to track my healthy lifestyle adventures, from cooking, running, yoga, art and crafts, my Jewelry bracelet line, and everything in between!

So what inspires me? > After I crossed the finish line of my first 13.1 race, I knew I had to do more. I knew at this moment I COULD do more! The sense of accomplishment I felt, and the new perspective of self-motivation I gained led me to become unstoppable. Two half marathons, one full, and now training for another are all under my belt. Those feelings inspire me. My father passed away prematurely when I was very young due to Diabetes, my step-father was diagnosed with cancer- and beat it, in his early 40s. My mother is on lifetime pills for blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. (a thin, normal, 40+ year old woman). These health ailments scare me. This runs in my family genetics, so I have to make sure I am as healthy as possible to prevent or slow down all of the above. This means eating healthy, and living an active lifestyle. The personal gains I achieved for myself, by myself, with the support of my loved ones are the most inspiring. The results are inspiring. Seeing the results and hearing positive feedback from my loved ones and friends from afar inspires me every day to keep on truckin’! 

Your body is a temple; make sure to nourish it with love and care!  

Check out Breanna's beautiful designs on her Etsy Shop !

For more on Breanna, subscribe to her incredibly inspiring blog  The Soul Shakedown!
Hope you enjoyed this guest blog post...
many more inspiring women are coming your way!
Stay tuned with Noel   

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My website is launching this Friday. SO. EXCITED.

Hi there!

Before I get serious, I must release an emotion that I've been containing all morning:
That felt good. Okay, so clearly, I'm excited. Why, you ask?
 My official website is launching in TWO. DAYS.
 I have been counting down to this day for so long...
it has been posted on my vision board since November 27, 2012, which is
the day I decided to outsource my website design and get some professional help!  
You see, when I started working with my Life Coach, Cara Alwill Leyba, I was in the early stages of developing my brand, She Lives Inspired. I was so impressed with the design and aesthetic of Cara's blog The Champagne Diet and her life coaching website, Live Create Sparkle, that I had to ask-- Who designed it? How can I find her? Help! Well, Cara A.L. referred me to Cara L. We had an amazing phone consultation and I instantly felt a connection to her and knew we could make magic happen together!
 And we did. For the past three months, I have been working closely with the incredible, collaborative, creative, funinnovative, and devoted Personal Graphic Stylist, Cara Loper of Loose Loose Lid Creative. I am beyond appreciative and admittedly obsessed with Cara for being by my side as I build my brand and digitally evolve as an entrepeneur!
I want to thank you for your enthusiasm and support along the way as I build my brand from the ground up. I want to thank you for the kind posts and thoughtful comments on my Facebook page.  I've had such positive feedback about the current Splash Site of featuring my about me and links to my social networks. But, the day has come to launch the live website, which is a full-service website including tabs about my life coaching services, wellness group packages,  special updates, fabulous events, unlimited inspiration, and more!  I can't wait to share it with you on Friday, March 1st and hear what you think about our baby, I ;)

Today I get my first sneak peek of the site. Eeeeee! I am literally on the edge of my seat awaiting the preview. I know it's going to be just PERFECT for me!

So if you haven't already checked out Cara's creative design services, I encourage you to take a peek at her skills! I chose the BAM package and I highly recommend it for someone who is just starting out (like me!)  I cannot emphasize enough just how amazing and supportive Cara has been throughout the creative and planning process. 

xo, health, and happiness,
P.S. Don't you just love Cara's logo and banner (below)? It makes me super happy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is Life Coaching All About?

Hey there!

Hope you are having an amazing night. I just wanted to write a little blog post in response to the question I am asked most (see title). Let's start with a definition and a few key points to help clarify your understanding of what it is that I do and how I can help you!

According to The International Coaching Federation, Life Coaching is...
  • an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations.
Throughout the process of Coaching... 
  • clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.
Each coaching session... 
  • is an opportunity for the client to chooses the focus of conversation, while the coach listens and contributes observations and questions.
  • is an interaction to create clarity and move the client into action.
  • accelerates the client's progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice.
  • concentrates on where clients are now and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future.

As a  Certified Life and Wellness Coach

I recognize that coaching results are a matter of the client's intentions, choices and actions,

 supported by my efforts and application of the coaching process.

 I am here to help inspire, ignite, and move you forward!

 If you'd like to get in on the action and work with me 1-on-1

I am offering you an exclusive invitation below!!

15-min Complimentary Clarity Session with Coach Noel

To redeem this offer, email:

Hope this helped! I look forward to more of your amazing questions LIVE ON THE RADIO

P.S. Have you chosen to "Like" on yet? 

P.P.S. Cannot believe we are finally launching the official website on Friday... more details on the next blog!

xo, health, and happiness,

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Newsletters, Authenticity, and Some Sisterly Advice for My Fellow 20 Somethings.

Hey there,

It's Thoughtful Thursday!
So I've had Usher's "Confessions Part II" in my head all day since it was playing on my iTunes shuffle during my ferry ride this morning. And now I have my own confession to make: I subscribe to way too many newsletters. Seriously, though. I think I must receive 15 per week. I initially signed up because I genuinely admire the person and their amazing work (whether they're a Life Coach, Famous Author, Motivational Speaker, etc) but when all 15 people start to endorse the same service on literally the same day, their authentic voice gets lost in translation and it feels just plain icky to me.

This week I’ve taken some small action steps to unclog my inbox. First of all, I had to decipher between newsletters that are excessively sales-driven and redundant from the ones that are unique and valuable (in my opinion). The fact that I've unsubscribed from 5 newsletters may seem unimportant in the grand scheme of life, but since I hope to write my own newsletter in the near future--it’s really important that I clarify one of my instrinsic values: AUTHENTICITY.

"What we're all striving for is authenticity: a spirit-to-spirit connection."
- Oprah Winfrey

I am still learning and growing in the field of Personal Development, which involves attending lots of different meetings, conferences, and workshops. During this process of expansion and networking, I’m learning to turn inward and find my own unique voice. This not only helps me get clear on my mission but it helps me distinguish how I provide the best service to you.   To me, it’s really important that I offer consistently valuable content that is in alignment with how I live my life. Yes, I believe in self-marketing and self-promotion, and I do it just as much in-person as I do it online. But there’s something about endorsing others that must feel sincere. Maybe it's just me, but I only endorse other's products and services that I would actually buy myself (Not with the intention that I’ll receive a cut, or incentive for sharing).

I really try to notice and pay attention to the way the newsletter makes me feel when I open it. Does it unnerve and stress me out with sales? Or does it make me feel relaxed and contemplative? Well I can honestly say that there is one newsletter in particular that always makes me feel good. It's written by the Author and Life Coach, Christine Hassler, who is an expert in "Gen Y" (aka MY generation- those who were born in the 1980s).

Christine Hassler

I love the tone of Christine's voice and the way she writes. She speaks in a very down to earth manner, but her wisdom comes through so powerfully. I also love that she consistently sends original, authentic and purposeful content to my inbox every Thursday. When I saw the title, "What I Would Tell My 20-Something Self" in my inbox, I instantly decided to open and actually read today’s newsletter. Being 25 years old, I was intrigued and I knew I would get something out of reading it. On the off chance that all three of my older sisters read my blog, I have to be super careful not to offend them by saying how much I love Christine's advice. By the way, I am so blessed to have THREE older sisters: Heather, Christine, and Allison--who are all older than me by at least 13 years. (Okay, totally just crossed the line. Now they will DEFINITELY be mad that I pulled the age card!) Not only are they smart, beautiful, and funny...they are rich with wisdom about their own different types of experiences, relationships, and milestones. But, let's face it, they are busy ladies and when they aren't available, I outsource to Christine who really “gets” the 20-something mindset. ;)


Here are  my favorite tidbits from Christine Hassler's newsletter today:

Rejection is God's Protection. You can't always get what you want but you do always get what you need - just not in the form or on the timeline you may have expected. (My sister Christine has said something similar before.)

Your parents are people too with issues and triggers. They are getting used to having an adult child just as you are getting used to being an adult. (This is POWERFUL! I’ve never heard it in this way. It deeply really resonated with me and my relationship with my Mom.)

The decisions you are making are not all forever decisions. I know you feel so much pressure to figure it all out right now and everything feels like a major decision. It's not. Choose what feels the best for RIGHT NOW and trust you will learn from each choice you make. (Reminds me of something my sister Allison would say.)

Cultivate your friendships. They will become the family you get to choose. Find friends who will grow with you and let go of the friendships that have reached their expiration date. (The first half  of this statement is something my sister Heather ALWAYS tells me, the second half I'm often saying to her... haha!)
So...what do you think of those tips?
How are you being your most authentic self?
Anyone else in their 20s who can relate?
XO, Health, and Happiness!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Being a Publicist for the Night!

For the past two months, I have had the amazing opportunity to serve as a Publicist for Spiritual Guru and Published Author, Blanca Beyar, on her first Book Tour.

Blanca Beyar is an amazing vessel of love and light in my world and in the lives of countless others. You can read more about her work on Blanca's Website. Blanca has self-published seven books so far... 

But, for her 8th book "Attributes of Mastery" she chose to do something different. She wanted to get her message out there and have her voice heard by the masses. She pitched her idea to different publishing houses. She held her vision and trusted the process of divine creation and purpose...

"Attributes of Mastery" was picked up by the publisher, Ayni Books! It was an amazing accomplishment and a joyous moment of validation of her vision. She was excited and inspired up until the Holidays...when reality hit, there were some events that occurred which required her loving focus and complete devotion. Her book promotion took a backseat for a month. A few weeks later, she reached out to a major bookstore on Staten Island. Unfortunately, this popular bookseller was not receptive to her pitch. Blanca felt disappointed and disenchanted. After a month of taking a hiatus from promoting the book to focus on her beloved students, she started to lose momentum in her marketing. She needed to be reignited. We spoke and I recognized she needed a jolt of energy. And I knew exactly where to get that....No, not a Starbucks (though that may have been involved in the creative process). I did what I best: I charged up her energetic battery. After an incredible brainstorming session, we knew exactly what we needed to do. We needed to think independently and support a local bookstore, one that was cozy, warm, loving, approachable, and a staple in the local community, not a big name who made us feel small.  

We reached out to the owner of The BookMark Shoppe in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where I had previously attending an amazing book signing. We secured a pitch meeting with the owners and within 5 minutes of meeting, Blanca had her 1st Book signing on the calendar: Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 7pm. Then, I began marketing... I reached out to YOU on YouTube, on my Facebook page,Twitter campaigns, and of course personally inviting friends and family! 

In the meantime, I'd been checking in with The BookMark Shoppe. 
The did an amazing job making sure to stock the shelves with "Attributes of Mastery" 

...and the next step was to get NOTICED. What better way to excite readers than with a visual reminder as you walk down 3rd avenue?  Cue the signage....

After marketing 3 weeks ahead, 1 week ahead, 1 day ahead, and the day of... we decided to LET GO and ENJOY the night. Of course, I photographed the entire event because that's what I do. 

Here are the juicy details and pictures galore: 

Blanca shared an excerpt from her book, "Attributes of Mastery." She began by sharing her own experience learning the 1st Attribute of ACCEPTANCE, something she struggled with through a very traumatic part of her life and how she worked through her pain to embrace a new perspective of peace. The Q&A session proved to elicit many tears and heartfelt responses. Everyone could feel the energy in the was electric!  

As a sweet treat for the guests, one of Blanca's devoted students, Mary Provenzano, who is an amazing baker...her cookies literally taste like love on a plate. She donated homemade cookies, including chocolate chip (my favorite), double chocolate chip, and sugar cookies. Let me tell you, I personally appreciated the cookies since I skipped dinner (bad girl!!) to make it to the event in time. OF COURSE the 1st day of my new job was the same night of our big event....God works in mysterious ways. :) 


As a gift for attending and purchasing a copy of "Attributes of Mastery", she presented each guest with their own unique, beautiful, and sacred healing crystal that she blessed.  Crystals, by the way, are powerful instruments for self-healing. They carry so much energy and are very receptive to whatever energies you are emitting. Plus, they can compliment your spiritual journey through the 21 Attributes. 

Blanca and her new fan, Yasmine, who came all the way from the United Kingdom! 
Yasmine is an amazing role model--she travels across the world as a motivational speaker about self-confidence.  Within minutes of meeting Yasmine, I knew we were destined to be friends. 
P.S. I had no idea she was a fashion designer and founder of Trendy Couture!

 One of Blanca's incredibly artistic students, Suzanne, was very excited to be sharing her birthday eve by getting her book autographed by her Guru!

Blanca shares a moment of bliss as she embraces her student of 13 years, Geraldine. Geraldine is a Holistic Nurse and Reiki Master and yep, she's my Mom. 
Blanca & Myself  
 As I reflect back on the evening, I am still in awe of all the magical connections that were made at the BookMark Shoppe. I personally had a great experience from start to finish---I thoroughly enjoyed the process, the details, the planning, the exectuion. Life is a journey not a destination, this is a process not a product. I am reflecting here to stop and smell the roses. I connected with my Guru on a deeper level and helped support her mission of "getting out into the masses." I realize now that I am quite skilled at energizing people or as Blanca stated, "putting a fire under her butt" LOL. I've always loved to put my energy to good use...and what better way than to be of divine service.  I also must share that I kinda loved being a Publicist: networking in the local community and maintaining the momentum of the social marketing campaign. It was exciting!!! Along the way, I made very special new friends and colleagues.  I just want to share my deepest gratitude and excitement for my Guru and I'm so glad more people are getting to know her amazing Spirit. I'm looking forward to the next stop on your Book Tour
...where are we going next? New Jersey! 

Oh hey... if you are into reality TV and you want to see Blanca doing tremendous healing...Don't miss this season of "Mob Wives" where she works with Love Majewski and Karen Gravano. 

And on that note, I have one last thing to say... 

I want you to honor who you are. In this moment, declare yourself.  I have always been so inspired by Blanca's authenticity. Every single day she reminds me to be my most authentic self. I am so inspired that I have developed a Confidence Series coming up in will be a series of fun + engaging workshops guessed it.. The BookMark Shoppe! More on this soon...

xo, love, light, health happiness,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Answering YOUR questions LIVE on the air tomorrow!

Hey you! 

Join us for the premiere episode of Inspiration Station with Coach Noel!  Host Noel O'Donnell is a Certified Life and Wellness Coach, and creator of, a website that inspires and empowers people to live their best lives. This radio show will explore and discuss topics that are integral to making positive changes in YOUR life: such as wellness, self-confidence,  body image, the mind/body/spirit connection, relationships, work/life balance, and lifestyle choices. 

GOING LIVE TOMORROW! Sunday, Feb 10th @ 10:30am for my first show on BlogTalkRadio!  Call in with your questions, I'd love to hear from you! (646) 595-4574. 
Tune in each week as I answer your questions and help you start to BECOME WHAT INSPIRES YOU!  
XO, Health and Happiness,