Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Introducing SheLivesInspired to the Blogosphere!

First of all, Happy New Year!!!

I would like to introduce myself to those of you who I haven't yet connected with. My name is Noel O'Donnell and I'm a 25-year-old aspiring Self-Help Guru. Okay, there's a bit more to that story which you can discover here: http://www.shelivesinspired.com/about-noel.html

Oh, hello...I'm Noel  

Today is my first written blog post. I have been creating video blogs over on my YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/shelivesinspired .Go ahead, watch a few, I'll wait... How did you like them? Go ahead and leave a comment below, I'd love to hear if anything resonated with you! 


So I must share with you that I have a knowingness. I am a light-worker, indigo child and a Certified Reiki practitioner...so you could say I am "intuitive". I just know that 2013 is going to be an incredible, awesome, amazing year. How could it NOT be? We just experienced a major universal shift on 12/21/12. We have entered a new dawn and I'm so excited to be making my own personal changes during such a transformative time in our world. It is no accident that I acted on my intuition and shifted careers prior to the galactic alignment. On November 17, 2012...I sent out a powerful message to the Universe that I was READY for change. I was willing and open to be of divine service. No sooner was I delivered a Dream Team to facilitate my business development. My team consists of not one--but two beautiful Cara's: Life Coach, Cara Alwill Leyba of www.livecreatesparkle.com who referred me to Website Designer, Cara Loper of www.looselidcreative.com. These two women acted as catalysts: they helped me clarify my vision and turn my mission into a brand called "She Lives Inspired" with a fabulous Logo to get it noticed: 
Currently, I'm being certified as a Life and Wellness Coach.  I'm working hard in the program so I can be equipped with the necessary tools to help me, help YOU! Here's a little bling to verify my vocation: 
It's official. 
In the meantime, I have been growing a meaningful presence over on my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/shelivesinspired. I want my message to get out there as I feel I'm becoming a powerful voice for my generation. I have a knowingness that I belong in the field of Self-Help and Personal Transformation...right alongside some of the greatest spiritual thinkers of our time such as Oprah, Wayne Dyer, Marie Forleo, Gabrielle Bernstein, Mastin Kipp, Danielle LaPorte, and so many more!  But I feel what distinguishes me from said Mentors is my age. I represent an even younger generation of individuals who seek fulfillment, who want to manifest their destiny and to make a difference in this world. 
My Mantra
Let's face the truth: your time is precious. You came here because you want to enrich your life but need a little guidance. Maybe you have a stressful job, perhaps you're enrolled in a grueling academic program, or you have a consuming home life. Perhaps you had an "quarter-life crisis" moment like I did, and realized you want to abandon your safety net, leave your stable but unfulfilling career, throw caution to the wind and boldly pursue your passion.  Whatever it is that guided you here, know that you are here for a reason. I'm so glad you have chosen to say "YES" to change.  My mission is to add a little something extra to your life. All I need is for you to be willing and open to receive.  I aim to inspire, to help you shift your perspective and sharpen your focus so that you can have the BEST LIFE EVER!  

I will be offering my Life Coaching services "pro-bono" until September 2013 for a select number of individuals.  Space is already booking up, so if you'd like to get on the list, connect with me!

Love and Light,
"Become What Inspires You!" ™

Follow, Subscribe, Share the Love: 
Instagram @SheLivesInspired
Twitter @SheLivsInspired
Pinterest @SheLivsInspired

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