Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What I Learned at IGNITE and My Dream for 2018.

Oh, hey!
In my last post about the IGNITE NYC conference, I told you what I thought of the speaker lineup. This time around I want to share the "take-home" messages I received from this two-day, 16 hour conference.  I tried really hard to be present for the event. Normally I might have my phone out and doing some live tweeting some quotes or instagramming some photos, but this time I put the iPhone in my purse. I showed up for myself and for the speakers. This was MY time to enjoy, sit back, and learn.  Of course, I did pull out my notebook to jot down some notes (because yes, I'm a nerd that way).   I'm glad I did this. Because listening to speakers half-heartedly is a waste of time and money. I much prefer to watch people speak than just hear them speak. I enjoy reading their body language, the subtle cues, the way people emote, their interaction with other speakers, how they handle unexpected situations and managed their allotted time.  


The 6 Major Lessons I Learned at IGNITE:

1)To love yourself and do mirror work- Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson.

2)Eat better to live optimally, not just better –Kris Carr

3)Collaboration is key… work as a team..we all have the same message – Wayne Dyer did a past life regression with Mira Kelly who he endorsed to come up with a great CD then helped him find Anita Moorjani who he endorsed to write her book about NDE.

4)Tragedy doesn’t bring us together, it shows us that we all have a mission to fulfill on this earth and our soul will depart when that mission is fulfilled… for those who suffer at the hands of this loss..we can find healing through acceptance and community -- Mom of Jesse Sandy Victim

5)We all have angels all around us and can ask them for help at anytime. Also it’s totally cool to ask for money if you are providing a valuable service to someone, it’s alchemy, it’s an energetic exchange—Doreen Virtue

6)Our emotional pain manifests as physical symptoms and dis-ease and until we deal with the root cause or trauma and heal from this emotional space, our physical bodies will become vibrant and receptive to this healing. Also he loves his kids and his daughter Skye’s performance totally made me cry my eyes out and hyperventilate, you know, that loud ugly cry that you try painfully to keep in, and then it explodes from within your soul and just keeps going until the song is over. Yep, that happened—I instinctively thought of My father and I up ther eont hat stage and I lost it….Blanca’s husband steve totally had to hold me like a baby. Somehow my mascara managed to not run. Hey… Wayne Dyer was crying, too! ;)
With all that said, I have one point I'd like to leave on.  I am setting the intention that I will be on the IGNITE Speaker Circut in 2018. That's 5 years away. And yes, it's on my vision board. I just know I am meant to be up on that stage in front of thousands of people who are open, ready, and willing to receive all the inspiration and insight I have to offer!
ONE DAY I'LL BE UP ON THAT STAGE! I hope you'll join me... ;)
xo, health, and happiness,

My first time attending the NYC IGNITE tour!

Oh, hello!

So I'm writing this blog WAY later than I planned. Last month I attended a 2-day conference, which left me feeling spiritually inspired but physically drained. Friday night marked the official finish to the first week at my new corporate job. So the thought of waking up at 6am on a Saturday for a long day with no guarantee of a good meal didn't feel appealing.  (See I can be a little negative sometimes...I'm not perfectly positive all the time!) But I wanted to go, I was counting down for the past 3 months since I purchased my ticket. I mean, the thought of seeing Wayne Dyer, Gabby Bernstein, and Louise Hay...now THAT got me out of the bed in the morning.  So I woke up, dressed up, packed up and I was ready to go...up. Well, actually it's down because I live in a building....but it flowed so much more nicely with "up." Mom accompanied me and we were picked up by our dear friends, Blanca and Steve.
Me & my Mom 

Steve & Blanca Beyar
I did a lot of thinking on the car ride to the conference. Between working Full-Time, starting my private coaching practice on the side, finishing my certification program, and you know life stuff (Family fun, Laundry doom, food shopping, time for self-care...interesting how this falls last on the priority list, huh? Sound familiar?)-- I couldn't help but think...do I find time for FUN!?  Well, I guess it depends on my definition of fun. To me, attending a conference is enjoyable, I don't think of it as work. I get to meet amazing new people, listen to my mentors, and do something different and uplifting. I'm not sure how many of my peers can relate to this...I'm sure they would much rather spend their weekend in Atlantic City and live it up. Well I decided to live it up by going to the Jacob Javits Center to hangout with women (and some men) that I can more deeply relate to: Personal Development Junkies.  The IGNITE: I Can Do It 2013 NYC event hosted by HayHouse featured 3,000 guests and neary 30 speakers! Thank God I had  the night off on Valentine's Day and the day off for President's Day-- or else this weekend wouldn't have worked for me. Seriously. I would still be glued to the folding chair holding my $10 latte (not a fan of inflated event pricing..but I get it). wondering what day of the week it was! LOL. In an effort to rest and renew, I decided that I would wait a few days to blog about my experience at I CAN DO IT NYC 2013. I have to say it was a great decision: it not only held the space for the creative juices to marinate but it also gave me some breathing room to it helped me put the whole event into perspective.

 Our Crew: Me, Mom, Steve, Blanca
Here was the lineup of speakers at the NYC Ignite:
WAYNE WAS MY FAVORITE SPEAKER! Probably because we have all of his books on our coffee table at home. I grew up reading his work, and always wondered what it would be like to see him speak. Well, let me tell you, it was AMAZING. I cried. If you don't already know about Wayne, let's get you acquainted. Wayne is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Wayne is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his traumatic childhood spent in foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same. When he's not traveling the world delivering his uplifting message, Wayne writes from his home in Maui.
Purchase of the Day: Wayne Dyer's "I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation CD

Angel Therapist, Doreen Virtue  
Doreen Virtue and her hubby taped her Oracle Card workshop LIVE during her presentation. It was surreal and awesome, check it out the VIDEO

Miracle Maven, Gabrielle Bernstein
Published Author and Speaker Gabrielle Bernstein talked about how to become open, ready, and willing to experiencing miracles in life and how A Course in Miracles changed her life, quoting the text:  "A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love."
NDE Survivor, Anita Moorjani
In April 2002 Anita Moorjani  was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and after nearly 4 years of battling the disease, she was taken to the intensive care unit of her local hospital in February 2006 where she was given less than 36 hours to live. Her remarkable near death experience (NDE) and miraculous recovery from cancer has created enormous interest and commentary on an international scale. The NDE tremendously changed her outlook on life. She works on the premise that our inner world (consciousness) is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world will align itself and fall into place as a result.   
Crazy Sexy Cancer Thriver,  Kris Carr 
Kris was the last speaker on Saturday. I definitely she was the BEST way to end the night. I just love how animated she is when she speaks, and how she can make jokes about having a very serious disease. She led an amazing discussion about PREVENTION and how she became the CEO of her health. She focused on using food to heal our body and prevent  disease. We celebrated her 10 year anniversary of THRIVING with cancer- CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WELLNESS!  

Agapi Stassinopoulos

Agapi was so amazing live!!! She made us dance like we were in Greece at an epic party with lots of wine and feta cheese! Deepak describes her best: "Agapi is an authentic, genuine and inspirational speaker who knows how to connect with and move her audience. She brings out the beauty, power and independence of the Greek Gods and Goddesses and the archetypes in
all of us.” - Deepak Chopra, author of Path to Love, The Chopra Center for Well Being

The legendary Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson. 
 Louise Hay is a pioneer in the field of Self-Help, which is now commonly referred to as Personal Development. Louise was joined on stage during her 1.5 hour talk with Personal Coaching Pioneer and Best-Selling Author, Cheryl. These ladies were MAGICAL on stage together...so funny, candid, loving and truly authentic!
It was an amazing weekend and I even made a new friend named, Kelly. It's so nice to meet someone who is interested in personal development and gets excited by the same topics as I do!

And I have great news! If you weren't able to come last month, you still have a chance to get your tickets! Hay House IGNITE is touring all over the country. And on Oct 26-27th, they'll be back to New York

xo, health, and happiness,

My New Nightly Ritual

Hey you,
I have a confession to make: I need to relax. Since starting my coaching business and working full time, I have become a lot busier and my work/life balance has been thrown off. Last week I was starting to feel drained and exhausted overall. The thought of working on the weekend overwhelmed me when I'd already put in 40 hours plus commuting time.
After seeing Wayne Dyer speaking live about it at the IGNITE NYC conference, my Mom decided to purchase his brand new meditation CD while we were there. That night I tried it out, and every single weeknight since that night, I've been using the CD to calm me down. To help ease the tension of long hours and minimal exercise lately, I decided to take my life into my own hands and design a nightly ritual to help me stay centered and consistent with my meditation practice.  Here's what plays in my room every single night before bed:
 Wayne Dyer's I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation CD
If I'm too tired to pull out my massage table and do some reiki on myself, I always and I mean ALWAYS every night do my 20-minute meditation. I do not sit there submissively with my legs crossed, palms facing up, head tilted down. Instead, I choose to surrender through a series of gentle yoga poses and chakra opening stretches. 
  I seriously needed this CD in my life. My evening ritual used to consist of shutting off my computer once it hit midnight, running to my bed, and feeling like every ounce of energy, blood, oxygen was drained from my body. Thoughts of what I had to do tomorrow kept me up, so I'd be sitting in bed writing down ideas on my notepad rather than on the computer. You can see how this could turn into an unhealthy situation, right? Me, too. So, I recognized, acknowledged, and changed my behavior. I coached myself back into wellness and designed a plan that I can commit to and that I actually look forward to! I chose to retrain myself by going to bed early, disconnecting from the internet, and giving myself 20-minutes of self-care every single night. 
This peaceful soundtrack has been a catalyst for positive change in my life and I can't recommend it enough!!! There are 3 options on the CD: an introduction narrated by Wayne Dyer, a 20-min guided meditation, and a 20-min unguided meditation. I feel more relaxed just hearing these subtle chimes, The rythym of the chimes helps me syncrhonize my breathwork and Wayne's opening narration brings me to a state of surrender. I recommend this CD for anyone who struggles to stay mindfully in the moment and prepare for a deep sleep.

As Wayne Dyer says, "I encourage you to become open to the idea that these sounds, when accompanied by your own I am mantra, can and will provide you with the ability to live a wishes fulfilled life.”

You are worth it. Join us!

Thank you ladies for your AMAZING questions about the upcoming
Your answers are below:
• This is a PAID group coaching workshop for women only.
• Thursday, March 21st--Body Confidence. Wednesday April 3rd--Beauty featuring a make-up tutorial with
Heather Mele and Thursday, April 18th--Collab...oration.
• Come with your topics/questions and we will work together to get you moving forward + feeling fabulous!
• Food from The Family Store will be served prior to the workshop, at 7:30pm. The workshop itself will run from 8-9pm.
• Each individual workshop costs $25, so if you pay in advance for all 3 nights, it's $75 TOTAL.
You can pay as you go. If it makes it easier, you can pay $25 PRIOR to each workshop.
• So, you can only attend 2 workshops? That's okay, you'll still get tons of valuable information and stimulation to inspire you! Simply use the pay as you go option!
• So, think you can't afford it? You can, you're worth it. I think you're worth it, too, so if it makes it easier for you, pay as you go by paying $25 PRIOR to each workshop.
• All payments can be made directly at
The BookMark Shoppeor by phone 718-833-5115.
• Participate in ALL 3 nights & receive a free gift: a SWAG BAG for your success, including makeup samples + a free yoga class from
• YES- there are still a few seats available! Go grab your spot. :)

Can't wait to see you on Thursday!

xo, health, and happiness,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ladies, You're Invited to My Upcoming Self-Confidence Series! ❤

Hello Loves,

Wellness Wednesday has returned with a NEW VIDEO BLOG!
Enjoy this special invitation, Ladies! ❤  

More details about this exclusive event on the Facebook event page OR read below. :)

Join Noel, Certified Life and Wellness Coach, Reiki Practitioner, and Founder of www.SheLivesInspired.com. Noel helps women love their body from the inside out. She will show you how to discover the beauty that is already within you, right now, in this moment. Once you connect with this beauty, you will discover anything is possible. ❤

This Women's Wellness Workshop is a series of 3 one-hour sessions starting March 21st and continuing every other week until April 18th. Guests should arrive at 7:30pm for a meet + greet and a moment to unwind from your day with fresh mediterranean appetizers from The Family Store. 
The workshop will begin promptly at 8pm and end at 9pm. 

Each session will begin at 8pm and include a Lecture Topic, Group Exercise and Q&A focusing on Self-Confidence: 

Thursday 3/21 ❤ A Workshop on Body Confidence 

Wednesday 4/3 ❤ A Workshop on Workin' With What You've Got

with Celebrity Makeup Artist, Lifestyle & Beauty Blogger, HEATHER MELE

Thursday 4/18 ❤ A Workshop on Collaboration Not Comparison


$75 per person, for entire workshop (3 classes). Each guest will receive a Swag Bag, including makeup.

Workshop MUST Be Paid in Advance. Payments are non-refundable and can be made by visiting the BookMark Shoppe  at 8415 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209 ...OR... by phone (718) 833-5115. 

Are you ready to do something AMAZING for yourself? If not now, when?

Also makes a FABULOUS gift for a friend.

Any questions? Feel free to email Noel at info@SheLivesInspired.com

xo, health, and happiness,


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting Smacked by a 2x4 and How I Learned to Ask for Help, a Guest Blog

The other day, I woke up and I felt like I was slapped in the face with a 2 x 4 of reality, as I like to say. I had been sinking into a depressive state since the holidays and it finally got to the point where I was seriously considering seeking therapy. It seemed as if my whole world was falling down – I wasn’t having the professional success I was used to, I was feeling the burden of paying for a home all by myself, while in the meantime, wanting to make things so perfect for my fiancé and take care of everything, I was feeling totally overwhelmed.
My theoretical 2x4...

My fiancé and I are two different people when it comes to education. I have a Master’s Degree while he is still struggling to finish his B.A. almost a decade later. I kept nagging him to go to school, that school was important and I finally got fed up with he didn’t enroll in classes this past semester and didn’t even tell me why. I remember saying to him, “I don’t want to have the power, I want to be part of a power couple,” and telling my friends, “I hate that people may say, ‘Oh, look at her, she is so driven and he is just dragging her down.’” I’ve always been very proud of my professional success as well (something I will get to in a minute) and he has been at the same mediocre job (OK, the job isn’t mediocre, the pay is) for ten years. It wasn’t until reflecting on what one of my friends said to me when I brought up the driven comment that I realized I was measuring him by his professional success – NOT his personal success. There are so many good qualities to him that I was overlooking including the huge fact that he loved me EVEN when I was nagging him and bothering him and making him feel horrible about himself. I had to learn that not everyone – including my fiancé – is like me. It bothers me a lot when people aren’t driven to do something with their lives and I want to kind of shake them and be like “UM, HELLO, You can’t just sit back you have to DO SOMETHING to get the things you want!” But I had to realize that I need to be accepting of people for who they are and what they are. Yes, I still want my fiancé to finish school – and he agreed that he wants to – but I have to let him take his time and do it on his own. Not everyone can do fifteen things at once (I’m not bragging that I can – it’s just how I operate) and some people can only do one. I have to learn not to force them to do more just because I want to or I have.
Wisdom from The Beatles

Another thing I had to learn was to ask for help. I was taking on way too much. It was like I was just treading ocean water and I was ignoring the fact that someone was throwing me a life float. I had to ask my fiancé to chip in more. I had to ask him to front some money for a large purchase. And you know what? He did it and didn’t complain. I had just never asked before. I talked to him about making things easier for me and making dinner from now on, since I had such long hours. Not only does he do dinner, but now he does the dishes and everything else to make sure that I have a relaxing night. Sometimes, I have a list of a million errands I need him to do and he does them and doesn’t complain. But instead of making things perfect for him, we have found a balance that makes me feel less stressed, which makes our home life that much better. That life float was right next to me the whole time, but I just needed to find the inner strength to reach out and grab it and accept that it wasn’t being a failure – sometimes we all can’t make it to the boat on time and need to be pulled.
Hang on!
Professionally, however, I am in a tough spot. I am disappointed and embarrassed that I am stuck in this situation and already looking to jump ship, but I have to. I am in a very unstable environment in every sense of the word and it’s just not a good fit for me and I can tell that only after a few months. I was letting the mood of the venue and the people in it affect my home life. I was coming home angry or on the verge of tears every night, I was having horrible anxiety attacks, I was withdrawing from my friends and I was picking fights with those closest to me because I was having horrible anxiety about going to work. However, I had to find things that made me unwind quickly and I also had to find the triggers that were making me anxious. Once I found those, then I was able to focus myself. I could figure out what about my day was making me unhappy. I also decided that from now on, I would not complain about my job to others. I would act as if I was always on a job interview and be diplomatic, but polite, when asked. By not complaining, it wouldn’t re-iterate the things that I just can’t live with and I would be able to leave them at work. I learned that I need to stop and pause before I do certain activities and take some deep, yoga breaths. I had to learn that I can’t listen to a certain type of music on my home time because it makes me angry, so I took them off my iPod. I had to learn to take my mind off of work on the commute home and play a game or something mindless – not harp on all the bad things that happened. And if I need a glass of wine or two in the process, so be it.
Sip.   Breathe.
I’m not too sure how this all happened to me in the span of what seems like an hour. My own internal wheels were probably constantly churning and then “BOOM” it really all hit me. I know that not everything in life is peaches and cream. I know that people die, that people hurt, that some things are truly terrible, I get it. And I’m not saying that mourning is bad – that’s healthy. I’m saying not allowing yourself the option to win – even if it feels like losing – is just cheating yourself. You need to find your triggers. You need to be able to notice the signs of your negative attitude and do something to block them. You have to learn that other people’s life choices shouldn’t be your issue – whether you are living with them, married to them, friends with them or just met them. And you always have to learn to ask for help when you need it. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed. In fact, most times people are waiting for you to ask and are only eager and willing to jump in and help. Grab the life float. It’s OK.
Ask for Help!
This Guest Blog was written by someone very close to me, who wishes to keep her identity anonymous. If, however, this post resonated with you, feel free to comment below and I will be glad to share it with her!!
xo, health and happiness!